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Request an Energy Audit

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) refer to the process of combining or acquiring two or more companies into a single entity. In a merger, two companies come together to form a new company, while in an acquisition, one company purchases another. M&A can be strategic or financial in nature and can be initiated for various reasons, such as to expand market share, gain access to new technologies, reduce competition, or achieve economies of scale.

Wheter your company is looking for capital, or a succession solution, or the shareholders just want to buy or sell, we will identify potential targets, conduct due diligence, assist in negotiating the terms of the transaction, assist in obtaining regulatory approvals, and integrating the acquired company into the acquirer’s operations.


Energy Audit:

Begin by conducting a thorough energy audit of the building to identify areas of significant heat loss. This can involve inspecting the building envelope, HVAC systems, ventilation systems, lighting, and controls. Gather data on energy consumption, insulation levels, air leakage, and equipment efficiency.


Data Analysis:

Analyze the collected data to determine the extent of heat losses and their potential impact on energy consumption. Identify the areas that contribute the most to heat loss and prioritize them for improvement.


Efficiency Upgrades:

Based on the audit findings, develop a plan to improve the building’s energy efficiency. This may include upgrading insulation in the walls, roof, and floors, replacing inefficient windows and doors with energy-efficient ones, sealing air leaks, and improving thermal resistance in the building envelope.


HVAC System Optimization:

Evaluate the efficiency of the HVAC systems and consider upgrading to energy-efficient models. Inspect ductwork for leaks, insulate pipes, and ensure proper system balancing. Install programmable thermostats and implement temperature setback strategies to optimize heating and cooling operations.


Ventilation System Enhancements:

Assess the ventilation system’s efficiency and consider installing energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) to recover heat from exhaust air. Ensure proper ventilation rates are maintained while minimizing heat losses.


Lighting Efficiency:

Evaluate the lighting systems and consider replacing outdated fixtures with energy-efficient alternatives, such as LEDs. Install occupancy sensors or daylight sensors to optimize lighting usage and reduce excess heat generation.


Controls and Automation:

Implement advanced building management systems (BMS) to optimize temperature control, monitor energy consumption, and schedule equipment operation based on occupancy patterns. This can help minimize unnecessary heating and cooling and improve overall energy efficiency.


Monitoring and Maintenance:

Establish a monitoring and maintenance plan to ensure that energy-saving measures are consistently implemented and functioning effectively. Regularly review energy consumption data and make adjustments as needed.


Staff Training and Awareness:

Educate building occupants and staff about energy-efficient practices, such as setting thermostats appropriately, reporting air leaks, and practicing energy conservation. Promote awareness of the importance of reducing heat losses and engaging everyone in energy-saving efforts.


Continuous Improvement:

Monitor energy consumption and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures. Identify any areas that require further optimization or new technologies that can contribute to additional heat loss reductions.


Remember that each building is unique, and the solutions implemented should be tailored to its specific characteristics and energy usage patterns. Consulting with energy professionals or specialists in building performance can provide valuable insights and expertise throughout the solution study process.


1. Assessment
2. Solution Study
3. Implementation
4. Monitoring & Management

Request an Energy Audit
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